Friday, October 29, 2021

Age of AI

 Watch the video “In the Age of AI” was very eye opening to me. I had not really thought much about AI, although after watching the video I realize that it is part of my everyday life. I use Siri for all sorts of day-to-day tasks, like setting an alarm or to call my parents. Then I realized that AI is probably responsible for the fact I can search for something online and then suddenly that same item or similar ones show up on my Facebook and Instagram feeds. I have even had that opportunity to ride in a self-driving vehicle in my hometown of Columbus, OH. Columbus is actually leading the way in self-driving vehicles. 


I am not really sure that AI is a good idea however. There are still problems with it. For example, Columbus had to stop its bus service after one of the self-driving buses had an accident and it was unclear why it happened.          


The idea of something watching everything I do is also really freaky. In high school I had to do a project on serial killers. What if the AI review of my Google searches of killers led the computer to think that I was somehow dangerous? That could be really bad. I thought the example in the video of using the way people typed or the how charged their battery was as a reason to approve of deny a bank loan was really scary. It reminded me of the claims that Uber looks at your battery life on your phone and surges the pricing if you have limited battery life. While Uber denies doing this, the fact that it is even possible is a problem in my view.,one%20individual%20rider%20or%20driver.  I think we need a lot more regulation on AI and what and how it can be used.

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Final Blog Post

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