Friday, October 22, 2021

Blog Post 12



    In class the key thing that I took away was the video we watched of our military shooting from helicopters and killing eight people. We watched photographers be killed and children be shot and injured. 
Our government claimed to see these men carrying weapons, but I did not see any. Everyone in the class seemed so upset by it, but if I am being honest, it did not affect me in any way. At this point I feel like I have seen this happen so much that I am just numb to it. And that is a scary way to feel. I know our government will continue to do this no matter how terrible it is. They did not want to release the footage of this shooting till years later and if I remember correctly, it was actually leaked and not officially released. 


It is videos like this that make me think our country is going to shit and its going downhill quickly. I do not think there is any way to fix what is happening and I wish there was. We vote in presidents and cabinet members to make changes, but they do not do anything. I hope someday someone can fix us and change the way we run but I do not think it will ever happen. 

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Final Blog Post

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