Friday, October 29, 2021

Someone else's Key post

Someone in my groups gave a presentation on false flags and I found that to be extremely interesting. A false flag is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. The way she explained it was some ships will use a flag of another country to get other ships to come by and then attack them causing a war to start. Another example of this is what pirates did by flying a flag that wasn’t there’s to get other ships to come before raising the correct flag and attacking. This is a practice still used today where countries will attack themselves and appear to be enemies or terrorist to give reason for said countries to invade whoever they want. A false flag can also be done by individuals to create issues between countries. A false flag like this can also be called a set up. Here in America, there are people who see things that have happened and believe that they are false flags. 

People think that false flags are still happening today some people believe that 911 was a false flag and that we flew planes ourselves into the twin towers just to cause a war people also believe that things like the Sandy Hook shooting was a false flag or that it just didn't even happen.  file false flags or something that happened every day all over and whether actually be a false flag or the people just blaming it on a false flag will never know but it is still something that happens, and people need to be aware of. 


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