Monday, October 4, 2021

The iPhone

  Last week in class everyone gave a presentation on a piece of technology that changed the world. While everyone spoke on something different, they all a had key similarity each presentation was something that impacted us today. I for example talked about the creation of Netflix and how it changed the game when it came to people watching movies. 

While everyone gave presentations on different topics the one that stood out to me the most was the presentation on the creation and history of the iPhone.  The student whose name I sadly do not remember talked about the creators and how they came up with the idea. He also talked deeply about the timeline of each different phone and the similarities and differences of each up grade. He seemed so passionate about different parts of his presentation that it kept me interested the whole time. His biggest take away in my opinion was how upset he was about the headphone jack being removed about four phones ago. 

His presentation caused me to want to look into the iPhone more and learn about everything my phone can do besides text and call. After doing my own research I found that Apple has just come out with the newest iPhone called the iPhone 13 and it has two different types of the iPhone 13 Pro and the iPhone 13. While similar to other phones out there the iPhone 13 has more features including a longer battery life with up to two and half extra hours and an even better camera. I can’t wait to check it out and see everything I can do with it. 

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Final Blog Post

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